How’s Oahu Weather?
Oahu Average Temperatures

The above chart indicates the average monthly temperatures for Honolulu, Hawaii. It’s a good representation for the rest of the beach resorts on the island. (Note that anytime, you are at a higher elevation, for example at the popular Pali Lookout, temperatures will be chillier.)
As you can see from the chart, the average high temperature for Oahu weather ranges from the low to upper 80s F. The “coolest” months – at a lovely 81 F – are January and February. The hottest months are July, August, and September with an average of 88 F.
Evening temperatures in winter and spring months dip down to the mid to upper 60s. If you’re outside past sunset, you might want to have a light sweater or jacket with you. Summer and fall average low temperatures are pleasant in the lower 70s.
Oahu Rainfall
In Hawaii, most rain falls overnight when you’ll be sleeping rather than sightseeing. However, it’s possible that you might encounter some rain, particularly during the wetter winter months but most rain showers are brief. In looking at the following map of Oahu notice that the darker green areas are the areas that receive the most annual precipitation. These areas are generally referred to as the Windward Side. Likewise, the lighter green and tan regions are drier. The drier areas are called the Leeward side, which is where Ko Olina is located.

Oahu Ocean Temperatures
Oahu weather allows you to swim and enjoy water sports year-round in the waters around. Average water temperatures near Honolulu range from 76F in winter months to 81F in late summer and early fall.
Oahu Humidity
The relative humidity of Oahu averages around 64%. While that may seem uncomfortably high, when the Tradewinds blow, which they do most of the time, those cool breezes keep you comfortable. Besides relying on the Tradewinds, you can do a couple of things to help you feel more comfortable in the humidity. First, we recommend you stay in an accommodation that has ample air conditioning. Secondly, wear breathable, light clothing such as Aloha shirts and Sun dresses.
Oahu Hurricane Season
Hurricane season runs from June through November with August and September historically being the most active. However, hurricane season is normally a non-factor on Oahu, with the last hurricane to hit Oahu and cause any damage being Iniki in 1992. Although hurricanes are not a big factor on Oahu, they can sometimes cause problems in traveling here with flights sometimes being canceled or delayed. If you’re coming to Oahu during hurricane season, it might be wise to consider Trip Insurance in case your trip is interrupted.
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